bituff is rated 3 out of 5 in the category management consulting. Read and write reviews about bituff. bituff is a creative consultancy firm based in the Faroe Islands. The name bituff stands for to be tough and is spelled tuff in slang version. As it can be challenging for people to learn new things, or change their way of thinking, we want to support and recognize this ambition with our work. Our trademark is energy and creativity. All companies face unique situations requiring a new perspective, a creative approach, or a strategic reset. bituff provides energetic and creative solutions to achieve the goal. From designing and facilitating small groups to large conferences or arranging MICE-related business events, bituff always works closely hand-to-hand with the client. bituff was founded by Rannvá Troest and Maibritt Højgaard 11 August 2016. You are more than welcome to contact us for more information by writing to
[email protected]. UM BITUFF bituff varð stovnað av Rannvá Troest og Maibrtt Højgaard hin 11. august 2016. Vit hollar royndir innan samskifti, undirvísing, marknaðarføring, ráðgeving og fyriskipan. Umframt at skipa fyri fyrilestrum, skeiðum, ráðstevnum og øðrum, fyri bæði fyritøkur og einstaklingar, bjóðar bituff ráðgeving og tænastur, ið verða samansettar eftir tørvi og ynski. Vit arbeiða út frá hvørjari einstakari uppgávu og tørvinum hjá tí einstaka kundanum. Navnið bituff merkir at vera tough og kann í slangútgávu stavast tuff og merkir, at vera hvassur, kul, frálíkur og óførur. Eftirsum at tað kann vera avbjóðandi og strævið fyri fólk at læra, gera okkurt nýtt, broyta hugburð ella bjóða sær sjálvum av, vilja vit stuðla og viðurkenna hesa strembanina við okkara virksemi.
Company size
1-10 employees